Decision Support System for Employee Performance Using AHP Method (Case Study: PT. Andhy Putra)
The system supports the company's performance appraisal using the AHP (Case Study: PT. Andhy Putra) method, one of which is to find, select, assess and determine the best employees every year to match the abilities and assessment criteria applied so far. PT. Andhy Putra while assessing employee performance, especially in CME and OSP, still experiences shortcomings and weaknesses in determining qualified employees. This employee performance system has problems in assessing the performance appraisal data that is less accurate, which is carried out on a paper-based basis and requires less efficient time and large costs. For that, we need a decision support system in helping PT. Andhy Putra to conduct a performance appraisal every year. The method used in this employee assessment is AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process), which is often also known as the weighting method. The process hierarchy analytical method is one of the methods used to find weight values based on existing criteria and helps facilitate the ranking of alternatives based on the distance between the positive ideal solution and the negative ideal solution. There are 5 (five) criteria as a tool to assess employee performance, namely commitment to the company, desire for achievement, cooperation, leadership and discipline accompanied by the results of the implementation of this process hierarchy method in the form of ranking the alternatives used. This decision support system is built using the PHP programming language and MySQL database
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